
Showing posts from December, 2019

i changed my actual essay so much

Germany, China, and Syria  all suffer changes with their population such as migration, declining population, and over population. Some places have too many people entering, and others have too many leaving. Places like China overly populated to the point where its crowed China would be a perfect example for an over populated country. Some places have an excess of people coming in like places such as Syria. Germany and other places have lower fertility rates which causes a slow decline in population.

not sure if you said not to copy and paste please count this

first paragraph of essay Germany, China, and Syria  all suffer changes with their population such as migration, declining population, and over population. Some places have too many people entering, and others have too many leaving. Places like China overly populated to the point where its crowed China would be a perfect example for an over populated country. Some places have an excess of people coming in like places such as Syria. Germany and other places have lower fertility rates which causes a slow decline in population.

hopefully this counts as a blog

I'm too busy stressing about my essay so I didn't have time for a blog, plus other homework from teachers.

post test/ Mr.Schick's Birthday!!!!!!

 I don't know how I should feel about the test, it wasn't hard or anything I just feel like I made dumb mistakes. I always study good then once I get to the test or start taking it I get anxious and start messing up and getting in my own head. I don't know why or how that happens it gets on my nerves, like just remember what you need to know and get a 100 that's all I want. I wish anxiety wasn't a thing I would do so good but no god wants me to just get all nervous and frustrated for no reason. Hopefully I did good, because I'm trying to maintain my grades I'm super proud of my grades. Also hope you had a wonderful birthday Mr.Schick eat lots of cake for me or food. Now that I think about it what do people who are older eat for their birthday. Feel like 21-27 just libation, then 30-36 its like steak and stuff, 36 and above I guess eat what they want.


I'm having football withdrawals I need to play football again, I'm always so bored after school and after workouts. Watching NFL games make me so jealous like ouuu look at you in your nice uniform, helmet, and pads. Like imagine getting paid millions of dollars to just run into people or catch a ball, sounds like my kind of job. Football is honestly like anger management for 2.5 hours fir at least 10 weeks, 6 days a week. Then you have protection so you can just attack people with minimum damage to yourself. Can't get better than that, but the NFL is getting soft with the rules lately football is a violent sport. You get hit, hurt, and even punched you might even break something but if you protect yourself you will have an insane amount of fun.


Today we learned more about demographic transitions and I don't know if I understand or confused. I understand it but then I can get confused quickly. Today has been pretty productive , work ethic is getting better but I hate English. English sucks it amazes me how difficult it is and I speak the language, the grammar is so annoying. Grammar sucks so bad it makes me want to die, like honestly my worst class just grinds my guys. You wouldn't understand how many times I wanted to flip out.


Today in class we read about demographic transitions, don't understand it too much but I'll get the hang of it. Basically a demographic transition is the revolution a country made and how it effects their population. Like stage one is the start of an industrial revolution, and more babies being born. We are just learning about it that's all I can think of right now, just got to study for the test monday. I'm going to miss the super human geo class next semester, but I heard Mr. Fendryk is a good guy so we'll see. My thanksgiving break was awesome though, all the food is gone but it was a lot. I could have a full plate for every meal I ate, I ate like a hog 🤣. I'm proud of myself too I helped make the food I skinned the potatoes, sweet potatoes, and made mac n cheese because I dropped the first pan. It wasn't my fault my cousin ran into me and I got all the blame, that sucked.