after quiz

I think I did good but I am not sure I remembered everything literally everything but all his occupations. I have a lot to study fr so if you don't mind here are more notes from other classes

   Hydronic bond - Weak attraction between a hydrogen atom and another atom
Cohesion - Attraction between different kinds of molecules
Mixture material - Composed of two or more elements or compounds that are physically mixed together but not chemically combined
Solution - Type of mixture in which all the components are evenly distributed
Sultan - Substance that is dissolved in a solution
Solvent - Dissolving substance in a solution
Suspension - Mixture of water and nondissolved material
Acid - Compound that forms hydrogen ions h+ in solution a solution with PH of less than 7
Base - A compound that produces hydroxide ions OH- in solution a solution with PH or more than 7
Buffer - A compound that prevents sharp sudden changes in pHHydronic bond - Weak attraction between a hydrogen atom and another atom
Cohesion - Attraction between different kinds of molecules
Mixture material - Composed of two or more elements or compounds that are physically mixed together but not chemically combined
Solution - Type of mixture in which all the components are evenly distributed
Sultan - Substance that is dissolved in a solution
Solvent - Dissolving substance in a solution
Suspension - Mixture of water and nondissolved material
Acid - Compound that forms hydrogen ions h+ in solution a solution with PH of less than 7
Base - A compound that produces hydroxide ions OH- in solution a solution with PH or more than 7

Buffer - A compound that prevents sharp sudden changes in pH


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